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Passport to the Land of Enough

picture of the book "The Passport to the Land of Enough"

a life-changing lesson

As we near the middle of summer, we’re gearing up to celebrate our country’s freedom on Independence Day (July 4th).  People use this time for get-togethers, vacations, family reunions and relaxing.  Rather than focusing on summer holiday activities and enjoying our freedoms outside, I’m going to share a life-changing lesson we heard years ago.  It resonated with us so much that we transformed our whole perspective on life and the amazing freedoms we have:  Living in the Land of Enough.


Most of us – especially those of us living in the US – have the freedom to choose how to organize or set up our lives.  I understand that some are not so fortunate, and I do not take these freedoms lightly.  I’m extremely grateful for where I live, and how I was raised.

Free to Choose

I choose what to do … what to eat … what to wear, etc.  Should I work out today or eat fast food for lunch?  Should I order pizza or thaw food to cook for dinner?  My resources (time, money and energy or will-power) are limited.  The choices I make every day affects these resources and how much of each I have.  I can choose to spend money on expensive clothes, a new car, a bigger house, fancy dinners, more stuff … the list never ends.  For Kara & I, if we did that, we would have no money – it is a finite resource for us.  So we learned to choose wisely, prudently and shrewdly.  We follow a monthly budget and make compromises with our financial decisions.  We regularly have to say NO to “our wanter” – that voice that tells you if you buy this, you’ll be happy.

Financial Freedom:  Is that even such a thing?!?

kyle & kara on beach at sunset

Free yourself, like a gazelle from the hand of the hunter, like a bird from the snare of the fowler.

Proverbs 6:5

Time is Money

Time is similar.  I can spend my time watching TV or I can shut it off and go for a walk.  Kara can choose to work or join me on the walk to connect and discuss important things together.  We don’t know how much time we really do have left AND we can’t get it back after it is spent. Once again, I have to learn to choose wisely.

kyle + zeke walking

You have decided the length of our lives. You know how many months we will live, and we are not given a minute longer.

Job 14:5 NLT

Pick Yourself Up

Kara & I regularly work at, talk about and learn how to use these two resources wisely – time and money.  Sometimes I fail and spend it on something wasteful.  I try to learn from it, ask for forgiveness (from Kara and myself!) and move forward.  I am striving to be a great steward of the blessings that I have been given. 

zeke in your face

Lessons Learned

Examples of lessons learned over the years include:  Vehicles are expensive and lose value, buy for utility and safety, take care of it as best as you can, which includes proper maintenance but also being a defensive (slow) driver.  We don’t buy cars for status or hobby.  We don’t care if our car is old, has a few dents in it as long as it still gets us from point A to point B.

Two things I ask of you, LORD; do not refuse me before I die: Keep falsehood and lies far from me; give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread. Otherwise, I may have too much and disown you and say, ‘Who is the LORD?’ Or I may become poor and steal, and so dishonor the name of my God.

Proverbs 30:7-9
last sunrise in NB
kyle at the helm

What is “enough”?

kyle & kara hiking in CA

When I think of what is enough, it comes down to utility and safety.  I don’t get everything I want – or maybe a better mindset is that I don’t get everything I think I want.  And that is ok.  I’m still grateful for the blessings I do have. 

“Comparison is the thief of joy.”


Kara and I have noticed that living in the land of enough has made us more present in the moment, less anxious about the future and more giving to others around us.  As we celebrate our country’s freedom with family and friends, my focus is less on comparison and more on being grateful for the time that we’re spending together.  I can see someone’s slick corvette or new powerboat and admire the beauty of it, encourage that person and tell my “wanter” to be quiet!

Let us know what you think

How do you intentionally spend your resources – time, money and energy?  Please share your feedback in the comments.

As we prepare for a new season of sailing, exploring towns around the Great Lakes, eating good food along the way, and sharing our adventures with you – we want to hear from you. 

– Kyle from Zeke Life

Live like Zeke
You’re such a good boy!


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