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Four S’mores and Several Nights Ago …

We can’t wait for our 1st backyard bonfire of the season.  When the temperatures drop below 60, and there’s a cool breeze in the air.  We always have so many dead branches and brush piles to get rid of from the summer backyard messes. Have I mentioned that I love this time of year?!?  I do love this time of year! 

backyard brush pile
cooking hot dogs over fire

And what goes better at the campfire than s’mores for dessert?  Why not try some of our easy recipes?

supplies for smores

Traditional S’mores

What you need:
  • 1 ~2 – 3’ stick
  • 2 – ½ Graham Crackers
  • 1 marshmallow
  • 3 portions of Hershey bar
pre-made smores
  1. Lay the 2 Graham Cracker sides out and put the Hershey bar portion on one side.
  2. Cook the marshmallow evenly on all sides until golden brown.  (Be careful not to get too close to the flame to start on fire and rotate continually so it doesn’t fall off the stick.)
  3. Use the top Graham Cracker to push the marshmallow off the stick and onto the Hershey bar to melt the chocolate.
  4. Add the top, and eat.
Estimated Time:

~5 minutes.

The S.O.S.

(aka S’more of Samuel – named by and after our friend’s son)

What you need:
  • 1 ~2 – 3’ stick
  • 2 – Nutter Butters
  • 1 marshmallow
  • 3 portions of Hershey bar
sos smore
  1. Follow the steps above but instead of using Graham Crackers to sandwich the marshmallow and chocolate, use the Nutter Butters. 
Estimated Time:

~5 minutes

Reese’s Delight

What you need:
  • 1 ~2 – 3’ stick
  • 2 – ½ Graham Crackers
  • 1 marshmallow
  • 1 Reese’s Big Cup
reese's delight
  1. Follow the steps from the traditional s’more above but instead of using Hershey bar, use the Big Cup instead.
Estimated Time:

~5 minutes

Big Green Monster

What you need:
  • 1 ~2 – 3’ stick
  • 2 – ½ Graham Crackers
  • 1 marshmallow
  • KitKat Duos Mint + Dark Chocolate
big green monster
  1. Follow the steps from the traditional s’more above but instead of using Hershey bar, use 2 KitKat pieces instead.

Note:  This was Kyle’s favorite of the night; I loved them all and couldn’t pick a fave.

Estimated Time:

~5 minutes

I want s’more!

Tell us what you think

What’s your secret to making the perfect s’more?  Do you have any favorites?  We’d love to hear from you.  Please share your feedback in the comments below.

– Kara from Zeke Life

Live like Zeke
You’re such a good boy!

Originally posted on October 3, 2022

*Zeke Life participates in the Amazon Associates Program, which will allow us to earn money on products purchased from some of the links provided. We will only recommend products that we love and use regularly!

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