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Our Trip in Ludington, MI

Earlier this year we put together our goals and milestones for the season, and one was to journey up the sunset coast and visit Ludington on SV Zeke E Boy.  This August it was a dream come true – we did just that!  Each Lake Michigan harbor town along the sunset coast is so unique and enjoyable and Ludington did not disappoint.

We arrived in Ludington on a Friday in mid-August.  The weather was perfect, and there was lots of activity in the harbor, the lake and the marina.  Once we were checked in and settled, it was time to explore the municipal marina.  The marina has several amenities that were useful as we were nearing the middle of our journey – we needed to do some laundry, use the shower to clean up for a night on the town and spend time planning and journaling.

SV Zeke E Boy tied up in Ludington Municipal Marina
Kara standing next to Ludington sign
boaters lounge with coffee and water and map and trip planning docs
laundry facilities in Ludington Municipal Marina
Kyle enjoying a beer at Ludington Bay patio

Downtown Ludington has lots of small shops, restaurants, breweries and ice cream.  We had a dinner spot already identified and walked to Ludington Bay Brewing Company for dinner. 

Kara’s favorite – Summer Fling – was on tap, and it was fun listening to live music on the patio while waiting for our table.  The meal was delicious, and definitely a spot we want to hit up again.

maudes garage antique store

The next day we walked around the entire downtown area and explored many shops – even this cute gas station turned antique mall called Maude’s Garage.  We also walked along the “Waterfront Walkway” that goes by the municipal marina, Pere Marquette Lake, Port of Ludington Maritime Museum, US Coast Guard Station and more!  We extended the trek out to the Ludington North Breakwater Lighthouse from the Stearns Park Beach.

2023 craft beer festival in ludington

While we were in town during the Craft Beer Festival, we decided to forgo the $50 per person cost and get drinks and appetizers on our own.  We were planning to eat at the boat for dinner, but happy hour at Jamesport Brewing Company would tie us over.  Kara wasn’t too sure that the beer would be as good as Ludington Bay, but she was very impressed.  The Blueberry Wheat beer was delicious, and what goes better with beer than wings – Yum! 

kara standing in front of jamesport brewing co

Our final full day in Ludington was Sunday, so breakfast at Brenda’s Harbor Cafe hit the spot. We had a lazy Sunday afternoon and strolled around downtown once more. Since we do not drink 24 hours before a trip, we got dessert instead – Kilwin’s ice cream and walking along the Waterfront Park. We reflected on the past few days, prepared to leave early the next morning and made our game plan for departure.

kara standing in front of pere marquette lake
ludington lighthouse
ice cream at sunset

We left early in the morning, but we weren’t alone –  it is hard to beat the fishermen out on the lake, so we navigated around them as the dawn was approaching.  It was a great visit to Ludington and we definitely want to go back – hopefully next season, but possibly later this fall!

sunrise on lake michigan leaving ludington

Tell us what you think

Let us know what you think of our sailing adventures by sharing your feedback in the comments below. What’s your favorite thing to do in the sunset coast of Lake Michigan?  Where do you go?  We’d love to hear from you! 

– Kyle from Zeke Life

Live like Zeke
You’re such a good boy!

Kyle looking at Chicago sunset from SV Zeke E Boy

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