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Nature is a Force

lake michigan fall

Take one look at Lake Michigan on a beautiful, crisp fall October day, and you will know what a force of nature it truly is.  The blue skies with large, fluffy white clouds and the transition of dark to light green water with white-capped waves stirring up the sand and debris crashing all the way to shore.  You’ll hear the wind blowing and the waves crashing so loud that you can’t even hear the music that’s playing in your headphones as you run along the shore.  It’s a force to be reckoned with … to respect and appreciate its beauty and power.

In September’s Zeke Life newsletter, I highlighted the power of music in our lives, and how it lifts and transforms our spirits.  I believe – and there are countless studies some of which I highlight below proves it – that nature does the same thing and more!  In this article, I’d like to focus on 5 incredible forces of nature. *see note below

Nature Calms

If I’m anxious or overwhelmed, I find that by walking or running outdoors, and not thinking about my specific situation, but being present and thankful for what I’m seeing around me, my spirit is lifted and refreshed by the time I return home – especially if I can get a quick glimpse of the lake. 

My problems do not disappear, but they feel smaller compared to the vastness of nature that I just witnessed. 

kyle + zeke walking

“Being in nature reduces anger, fear, stress and increases pleasant feelings.  Exposure to nature not only makes you feel better emotionally, it contributes to your physical wellbeing, reducing blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension and the production of stress hormones.”  by Louise Delagran, MA, MEd in the article How does nature impact our wellbeing?

Nature Heals

kara floating in life jacket

We can cope and tolerate pain more easily when being in – or even just viewing – nature. 

“One study shows that people exposed to more natural light healed faster from a spinal surgery and reportedly had less pain than others. It seems nature served as a natural drug for them, because they also took fewer pain medications.”  by Amberlee Lovell Peterson from the article 10 Reasons Why Being in Nature is Good for You

Nature Restores

While it can heal our body – literally sunlight hitting the skin will help increase our levels of vitamin D, which is known to “fight certain conditions from osteoporosis and cancer to depression and heart attacks”*, it can also restore – by bringing us more peace of mind.

*from the article Spending time outdoors is good for you, from the Harvard Health Letter 

A study in Finland “found that people began to feel psychologically restored after just 15 minutes of sitting outside in both the park and forest. After a short walk, these feelings increased, although slightly more so in the forest.” by Florence Williams from the article How Just 15 Minutes in Nature Can Make You Happier

lake michigan sunset with chicago skyline

Nature Boosts

hiking Sleeping Bear Dunes

I’ve already talked about how being outside improves my mood, but one study in 2012 found that it also boosts creativity and problem-solving.  After 4 days of hiking in nature, participants in the study scored nearly 50% higher in creative responses than the participants who weren’t yet hiking or immersed in nature.

The lead researcher from the University of Kansas, Ruth Ann Atchley says, “Nature is a place where our mind can rest, relax and let down those threat responses.  Therefore, we have resources left over — to be creative, to be imaginative, to problem solve — that allow us to be better, happier people who engage in a more productive way with others.” from the article Nature Boosts Creativity, Study Shows

Nature Connects

rainbow in the sky

“Many people associate being in nature with spending time alone. So, it might surprise you to learn that nature helps you feel more connected to your community. Researchers think this is because being in nature fosters feelings of empathy, love, and belonging.”  from the article 7 incredible benefits of being in nature

Not only are we more connected to nature and to others, but we are also more aware of and grateful to our Creator.

“When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers— the moon and the stars you set in place— what are mere mortals that you should think about them, human beings that you should care for them?” 

– Psalm 8:3 – 4 NLT

night sky

When I see how big the world is and I’m reminded of how small I am, nature will calm, heal, restore, boost and connect me.  It grounds me into who I am and whose I am. 

* NOTE: I wrote this article before the devastation and destruction caused recently from Hurricane Ian.  In addition to all of the benefits that nature provides, it can also cause pain and calamity.  It is very powerful!  Our thoughts & prayers are with folks cleaning up from Ian and all of the disasters occurring worldwide.  

Kyle & I support Hope Worldwide, an organization whose mission is “motivated by God’s love, we partner with our neighbors in need, equip volunteers, respond to disasters and strengthen communities to inspire greater hope in our world.” 

What Do you think?

What do you love and appreciate about being in nature?  Please share your feedback below.  I’d love to learn and hear from you!

– Kara from Zeke Life

Live like Zeke
You’re such a good boy!

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