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Ups & Downs

SV Zeke E Boy at anchor

This is the second season we have been sailing on the Great Lakes with SV Zeke E Boy.  We have had some huge success as well as some failures and disappointments along our journey.  Some of our projects didn’t turn out very well.  We’ve had time on the water that was scary and uncomfortable but most of the time was enjoyable and we actually could sleep at night. 

We had many great times sailing, motoring, and swimming on Lake Michigan this season.  It may sound like a perfect summer, but we’ve learned to take the good with the bad.  There is a lot of work in boating and adventuring on the Great Lakes – we can even experience burnout.

Avoiding Burnout

Burnout tends to push me to make changes.  I burned out on my corporate job and decided to make changes to my living situation, personal routine, diet and schedule in order to continue growing.  The same can happen sailing on the Great Lakes.

Captain Kyle at the helm

Don’t Give Up

Jib up with clouds in background

There are days that the incessant refreshing of my various weather apps in order to hope for good sailing days and stay out of bad weather gets old.  Our boat gets dirty and continual maintenance and cleaning is necessary.  The engine issues pop up out of nowhere and must be dealt with before a larger issue occurs.

This all sounds like complaining, and yes I think it is … But underlying to my nonsensical whining is how to keep myself focused on what is actually happening. 

The Great Lakes are amazing!  The water is so blue and clear, the painted sky at sunrise or sunset is incredible, the communities along the coast are awesome places with interesting people calling them home.  The natural beauty of it all never seems to get old as long as I don’t let my mind wander off to the sound of the engine … It is a mind shift, and a constant battle to remember to live in the moment.

And It Burns, Burns, Burns

Some of the things I do to “keep the fire burning” all summer long are simple to do and easy to forget.  We try to give each other space – both from each other and sometimes from SV Zeke E Boy.  We’re fortunate that we do have a home away from our floating home so we get to take necessary breaks.  We’ll plan activities to do separately and on land.

We actively help each other on projects.  When Kara is cleaning, I’ll stop and help her in a way that is effective such as carrying a load off to the trash or something that makes her project just a small bit easier without taking over and clashing on opinions.  I enjoy cooking – so making sure we have healthy foods helps both our moods and energy levels.  Rest and sleep are an integral part of our lives.  Sometimes on SV Zeke E Boy we get tired and have to push through, but planning and making room to rest up is important.

Kyle watching sunset in Chicago

Finally, taking time to read the Bible, meditate and pray helps me refocus my mind on the bigger picture. 

And Kara and I continually talk through issues for attitude adjustments that may be needed.

Forever Summer

In a few short weeks, summer will turn to fall and fall to winter … the seasons are always changing.  So while summer is still here, I will soak up the sun, enjoy the warmth and adventure on the Great Lakes.  I will be present – not focusing on the future.  And I’ll continue to share our journey with you! 

last sunrise in NB
kyle at the helm

Let us know what you think

How do you avoid burnout – especially with the things you love the most?   I can’t wait to learn from you – thanks so much for reading and sharing your ideas!

As we’re in the middle of our 2nd sailing season, exploring towns around the Great Lakes, eating good food along the way, and sharing our adventures with you – we want to hear from you.  Please share your feedback in the comments.

– Kyle from Zeke Life

Live like Zeke
You’re such a good boy!


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