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Loving Carb Loading

I’ve previously shared in our Weekly Meal Planning post on how Kyle does the majority of cooking in our family.  However, I do have a really good and easy (very important!) lasagna recipe that I originally got from Kyle’s mom, Mary.  I’ve modified it slightly by using oven-ready noodles, adding Italian sausage and zucchini slices to it. 

This is a really good meal to have almost ready to go when meal prepping for friends and family after baby arrival, surgeries, or other meal-sharing needs.

making lasagna
cooked lasagna


What you need:
  • 1 box oven-ready lasagna noodles
  • 2 lbs of hamburger (or 1 lb of hamburger and 16 oz of italian sausage)
  • 2 – 24 oz marinara sauce
  • 1 zucchini
  • 30 slices of Velveeta Cheese
  • parmesan cheese
  • Cake pan (adjust for larger or smaller pans)
lasagna ingredients
  1. Brown meat, and cut zucchini into thin slices.
  2. Layer noodles in pan, sprinkle with ¼ cooked meat, add zucchini slices, spoon on spaghetti sauce and add a few slices of cheese.
  3. Repeat until pan is full.
  4. On top layer, add parmesan cheese.
  5. Refrigerate until ready to bake.
  6. Bake for 45 minutes at 350° (or until cheese is melted and slightly browned on top).
Estimated Time:

60 – 75 minutes.

Additional Sides

A salad along with cheesy or garlic bread pairs nicely with this meal.

lasagna meal

Tell us what you think

Have you tried this recipe?  Do you have any suggestions to make it better?  We’d love to hear from you.  Please share your feedback in the comments below.

– Kara from Zeke Life

Live like Zeke
You’re such a good boy!

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