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New Life Shines

budding tree in spring

Spring is here in the Midwest!  At least that’s what the calendar says – even if the weather doesn’t always cooperate.  There is something about spring that excites and triggers a sense of new-ness.  We feel the morning dew with the sun breaking through the budding trees, we see the beauty of daffodils blossoming and baby animals with their mothers … we hear birds singing (or in my case, blue jays squawking) to each other and lawn mowers running, and then we smell freshly cut grass … ahhh!  New life is bursting forth and all around us. 

It delights our senses and sparks something exciting and adventurous inside of us.   And the best part – yet to be heard is the buzzing of bugs!

Spring for the Win

Spring is the time we switch up our closets to lighter, brighter clothes and pack away the dark, bulky winter coats, boots and clothes.  Even though the bite of winter is still attempting to hold on; if you give it a few days – eventually spring will win out!

In the spring, we get up earlier and stay up later.  The days seem longer because light continues to shine.  There’s work to be done, and outside projects that can be tackled without the freezing temps. 

After all, nature is at work, so it just feels right to participate.  The list may be long but not daunting – especially when the sun is shining and there’s warmer weather.

All Work and No Play? No Way!

kyle standing in lake michigan in april

The school season is wrapping up, and new sports are beginning; kids are playing outside, and we’re making summer plans already. 

Kara & I have enjoyed many walks along the beach and with recent summer-like weather, we even dipped our toes in southern Lake Michigan.  Mid-40s degree water temp is nothing but bone chilling!  I still can’t figure out why – when I step in the water, the cold goes through my whole body and all the way to my head! 

Even food tastes better in the spring.  We are cleaning up the grill and rediscovering that a hamburger on the grill is so good!  I try to grill out in the winter, but something about being outside in the freezing cold dampens even the most determined home chef.  It is dark around 4 pm where I live, and grilling in the dark just seems sad.

Creating New Routines

Kara & I are wrapping up our winter projects at the boat, spring cleaning – both SV Zeke E Boy and our home, and beginning to garden and landscape our property. 

We’re also scouting new places to visit, researching and planning the routes to take and getting back to the obsessive weather watching and trying to forecast the “monster” that is Lake Michigan. 

kara in front of lake michigan

We try not to take living near the Great Lakes for granted; they are gorgeous, but can be dangerous without much warning.  We pick and choose our moments to venture out on the lake to get better at planning, sailing and avoiding the wrath of a spring storm.  Safety is critical to enjoying the boat.  Lake Michigan showcases unbelievable sunrises, and in our area, incredible sunsets.  Amazing panoramic views can be seen as spring storms roll across the water in the distance.  One day of frightening “angry” waves leads to the next with calm, gentle lapping of the water onto the sand. 

angry lake michigan
calm lake michigan

Changing Seasons

kyle + zeke walking

Nature sets the pace with the changing seasons.  All of the preparation and work to survive the winter manifests as spring bursts forth from successful planning.  Our senses are captivated with spring, and the warmth we feel is heartwarming as well. 

I am grateful to be starting new routines with a new season.  Kara & I love to share our journey and experiences with you.  We are thankful for your love and support to us.  We appreciate each and every one of you – Thank You!

Share a little about you

As we prepare for a new season of sailing, exploring towns around the Great Lakes, eating good food along the way, and sharing our adventures – we also really enjoy hearing about your adventures.  What new routines are you getting into?  What plans are you making?  Where are you headed?  Please share in the comments.

– Kyle from Zeke Life

Live like Zeke
You’re such a good boy!

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  1. Love the word pictures you are painting here and actual pictures of Florida and Lake Michigan beaches!

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