That’s what you said
I want you to say that after a day at the beach! Even though you’re busy, you need a beach day. It will make the summer for you. And once you do it, you’ll start making it a regular occurrence. If you prepare, it can be the best, but if you don’t, it may end in disaster. Please don’t let this scare you, I’m here to help prevent disasters from occurring (because I’ve already had them for you). After all, you need a beach day! Below you’ll find tips to ensure that your beach day ends in success and you’ll make this a regular occurrence during “the dog days of summer”!
What’s for dinner?!?
Before the day arrives, I recommend planning what you will have for dinner that evening. Make sure it’s something quick because you will be tired and hungry. Walking Tacos is a great option – especially if you have the meat already precooked, sides precut and you just need to heat it up and set out the sides for a quick meal.

Food at the beach
I tend to pack more food than what I actually eat, but in my opinion, I’d rather be more prepared than under prepared. If it’s a hot, sunny day, food generally doesn’t appeal to me, but staying hydrated is important. That’s why fruit and veggies are a good, refreshing option to bring. I like ‘simple’ fruits like apples, clementines or grapes, but you could always cut and bring watermelon or other melons. Similarly, carrots, celery, cherry tomatoes and broccoli florets work well without any veggie dips. Potato chips or Doritos taste really good after a swim in the lake and a little won’t ruin your diet. Twizzlers or sour patch kids can satisfy the sweet tooth; and it may be good to have Nature Valley granola bars for the ride home so you (or the kids) don’t get hangry.
Drinks at the beach
Of course, a nice ‘adult’ beverage always tastes good sitting in the sand on a hot, sunny day, but we like to go with light beers or seltzers. Remember staying hydrated is really important so I recommend also drinking A LOT of water – especially if you are also drinking alcohol. Gatorade or Bai antioxidant infusions are refreshing non-alcoholic drinks that replace the electrolytes you lose in sweat, and a nice alternative to plain water.
Where to go
Do your research on what beach you want to go to. We’ve suggested some local and regional beach parks in our latest monthly email newsletter (email sign up), but there are so many more options out there. Be sure to understand the entrance and parking fees. This will also help you determine how to get there, when to leave and how long you want to stay.
What to bring
We already talked about recommended food and drinks to pack, but I’ve put together this handy checklist with suggestions on what else to bring to the beach. It really depends on your (or your kids’) personality and how long you are planning to stay at the beach. There are 3 different levels – must-haves, nice-haves and good-haves. And I left a little space at the bottom to add in your own items too!

We’re here!
You made it to the park, but you’ll likely need to pay either for entrance and/or parking. While you’re super excited to get your feet in the sand and water, to make it easier when leaving, pay attention to where you are parking. Make sure you know where you’re putting the keys, wallet and phone so you can easily check that you have them when you’re ready to leave. If you make this a frequent occurrence, it’s nice to put these things in the same places in your bag so it makes it even easier to find! Now have your people with you carry and find a beach spot, we love to be as close to the water as possible so we can have our feet in the sand and water!

Inspirational “Paws” 🐾

Ahhhh, you’re HERE at the beach! You’re off work so don’t check your phone unless you absolutely have to. You’re with your family or friends so love up on them and have patience – even if you are alone, you can give yourself grace too! Take a moment to take it in . . . you are at the lake! You see the sun sparkling on the water – even if it’s cloudy, it’s a good reminder to appreciate the sunny AND cloudy days in our lives, and clouds often allow for the best pictures. (Don’t forget to still use sunscreen when it’s cloudy – you can still get burned!) You hear the waves lapping at the shore, you smell sunscreen and feel the fresh air on your face . . . and you just breathe a little deeper.
Take a deep breath and let it out slowly. Close your eyes and feel the warmth on your face. Breathe in and smile. You did it! You’re at the beach! Remember this moment.
Take Caution

Not to be too much of a downer after the relaxing moment, but it’s good to be aware that Lake Michigan is a killer lake (along with many other lakes and oceans). It is beautiful, but it can also be dangerous. If it is extremely windy and wavy, it may be a day just to sit and watch the lake. Make sandcastles or go for a beach walk. We wear lifejackets – just to be on the safe side – when swimming in waves over 2 feet. And we know and understand the rip currents in our area, so if you plan to swim, be aware and be careful!
⌛Time to Leave
Aww, it’s time to pack up and leave. It may be a good time to eat a quick snack so you’re not tired and hangry before you get home. You (and your kids) will be tired so don’t wait too late ’til it’s time to leave. And if you’ve already passed that point, oh well, you enjoyed more sunshine so shake it off. Speaking of shaking it off, be prepared that your car will likely get wet and sandy. Don’t sweat it, you can always clean it later. After having too many beach days to count, Kyle & I have learned to work as a team when packing up. We now lovingly over communicate on everything and divvy up various tasks such as:
- Gather trash in bags to throw away
- Clean chairs in lake – especially if you are sitting in the water and have backpack chairs that you wear because it gets some of the sand off
- Fold or wear towels & sheets
- Pack up the rest of your things in bags (make sure you can easily find your keys, phone and wallet)
- Put shoes on and give the once over to where you were to make sure you didn’t leave any belongings or trash
Once we get home we continue to do the same thing, working as a team to clean and put items away for the next beach day. Someone (usually Kyle) jumps in the shower while the other (usually me) cleans and puts away chairs, backpacks, towels, unused food and drinks, etc. We have a spot in our house for wet swimsuits and towels to dry before washing. Once the shower is free, I jump in while Kyle gets dinner ready. Of course adding kids to the mix can complicate things, slightly, but just stick to your already agreed upon plan and the evening will go smoothly. Remember everyone may be a little overtired so early bedtime may be needed – even for the adults!
Can we do it again?
Take a moment to think of the best part of the day. Oh, and don’t forget to use lotion to help with any body parts that weren’t fully protected from sunscreen. Think about what was good, what would you repeat and what can you do to make it even better. Enjoy your prepped dinner and sleep soundly dreaming of sun, sand, and water!
Tell us what you think
Did you try this? Was it your best beach day ever? What would make it better? We’d love to hear what you think. Please add your comments so we can learn from you. And sign up for our monthly email newsletter to find more ways to explore your surroundings!
– Kara at Zeke Life
Live like Zeke
You’re such a good boy!