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Amazing 1st ⛵season

Thankfully, we’re still here after our 1st sailing season on Lake Michigan.  After our adventures of bringing SV Zeke E Boy home, we were a little scared to take her out again. 

But we persevered and pushed ourselves, and we learned a ton in the process:

full sail with sun in background
kara standing next to boat

In addition to our winter projects, we’re also putting together a list of our SOPs, Standard Operating Procedures, and EOPs, Emergency Operating Procedures, so that if something would happen to Kyle, I could single-handedly and safely navigate back home. 

This won’t be easy and next season I hope to practice these SOPs and EOPs regularly.

Standard Operating Procedures

In order to properly maintain and use the boat, I’d like to have a list of processes documented so I’m (or any of our crew is) not causing harm to SV Zeke E Boy:

How to Turn on Engine
How to Turn on Solar Power
How to Turn on Navigation Lights
How to Turn on Propane
How to Open and Close Seacocks
How to Flush the Toilet
Weekly Safety Checklist
How to Make a Radio Call

Emergency Operating Procedures

Emergencies happen. And no matter if you rehearse and practice what to do, in the middle of it, you may not remember.  Therefore, I want to have a clear plan documented and put together on the boat to reference if needed for the following scenarios: 

How to Make a Distress Call
How to Find Your GPS Location
Using the Emergency Tiller
Man Overboard Procedure

Loss Of …
Steering Procedure
Navigation Procedure

In Case Of …

Keep Calm and Plan On

“The best laid schemes of mice and men often go awry.”

– Robert Burns

We are extremely grateful that we’re still alive after our 1st season – even without having these SOPs and EOPs documented and practiced.  We know that things can and will go wrong, and we want to do our best to be prepared. 

Ultimately, we are trusting in God for provision and protection in our lives and on the water every single time.

SV Zeke E Boy

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 4:6 – 7

Tell Us what you think

We’ll keep you posted on progress and documents that we put together.  What do you have documented on your SOPs and EOPs?  We want to get better, so please share your feedback and comments.

– Kara from Zeke Life

Live like Zeke
You’re such a good boy!

*Zeke Life participates in the Amazon Associates Program, which will allow us to earn money on products purchased from some of the links provided. We will only recommend products that we love and use regularly!

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