
Sailing Lake Michigan

Guests Onboard:

Kyle & Kara


The Moorings in New Buffalo, MI


06/09/23 @ 10:00 AM CT


The Moorings in New Buffalo, MI


06/09/23 @ 1:40 PM CT


11.1 nm



Weather Conditions:

Hot in the marina, but cool and hazy on the lake – no clouds



Wind (speed + Direction)

5 – 8 knots N

Wave Height

1′ Great Lakes Rollers

Notable Places, Experiences & Events

Kyle got turned around again and we rotated the ‘wrong way’ out of the slip, but he was able to get us turned and going the right way.

We didn’t run into any other boats coming in or out of the harbor entrance this time! There were lots of boats out on the water though. We sailed away from them though. We went out for 2 hours and turned around to come back. We sailed with just the jib, and it was a perfect day sailing!

We made it back to the dock without incident, and I did better of stopping the boat while docking, but because of the N wind, it caught the bow of the boat, and our dock line wasn’t long enough so we pushed away from the side … I had to push off the side next to John & Polly and grab the line.

Always something to learn. Once again, it calls for a celebration in the pool and hot tub 🍻with a few cold drinks. We made homemade pizza for dinner at home – it was delicious!

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