
Michigan City – USCG Safety Inspection

Guests Onboard:

Kyle & Kara


The Moorings in New Buffalo, MI


05/23/23 @ 10:10 AM CT


The Moorings in New Buffalo, MI


05/23/23 @ 3:30 PM CT


20.3 nm



Weather Conditions:

Clear skies but a bit hazy on the water, completely calm



Wind (speed + Direction)

3 knots NE; it did build to 7 knots but then wind died again

Wave Height

dead calm

Notable Experiences, Events & Places

Drove (no sail) to MC, we were the closest we’ve ever been to the shore.  Avoided all of the fishermen at MC entrance … and we even got yelled at to move away but we were coming up to the public dock.  Kyle navigated very well, and hopped off to pull is in.  We were only there for about 30 – 40 minutes to get a USCG safety inspection.   Unfortunately, we got a warning because our flares were out of date compliance.

Kyle was very nice to the fishermen, and went to apologize.   They were also gracious but that could’ve been because DNR came out to talk with them …  did we just cause a whole issue?!?  I hope not but they did have their lines out way to far! The DNR proceeded down the whole path to the Lighthouse to check licenses and talk to all of the fishermen.  Hopefully this was not because of us, and just their annual reminder that boating traffic will pick up, and they need to pull their lines in …

After leaving MC, we floated / sailed with jib-only for a few hours so Kyle could fish too.  Still haven’t caught anything yet but it was a beautiful day. We have yet to use both sails!

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